Board Of Open Schooling And Skill Education, Bhopal

My Dear Students, Faculty members and staff,

Students parents and all. I want to inform you that Board Of Open Schooling And Skill Education, Bhopal is an Board Of Open Schooling And Skill Education, Bhopal CHERITRABLE TRUST and the board along with planning commission govt. of india promoting education. Board Of Open Schooling And Skill Education, Bhopal established under the S.R. Act. And Indian public trust.

The examination conducted by board is fully valid by H.R.D. Govt. of india. For higher studies and government jobs. In this the board examination's are completely valid under U.P. intermediate Education act-1921 chapter-14 Regulation 2(40).

So, you after passing the board of higher education delhi examination can go to higher studies and government jobs.

I pray for your bright future.

Thanking You
Your's Chairman

Government Approvals

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